Tuesday, 9 June 2009

unit 7: understanding the tv and film industries

1. Know about technologies, ownership and funding in the television and film industries.

Task 1: Using the questions below to help you structure your essay, answer the following questions

How have advances in technology effected the TV industry and how have audiences changed as a result? (P1, M1, D1)

Some channels still broadcast on analogue and are available to every person who has a television set. The terrestrial channels which consist of channels: BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, channel4 and channel 5.

The BBC is a public service broadcaster. It was set up in 1922 to entertain, inform and educate so all programs have to fit in to those criteria to be shown on T.V. The T.V license funds the BBC and some other terrestrial channels like ITV and channel 4.

The BBC digitally expanded with the launch of BBC, Cbeebies, CBBC and BBC three and interactive television began with coverage of Wimbledon in 200. The BBC launched free-view so license payers could move to digital without having to pay a subscription.

ITV, channel 4 and five are commercial broadcasters and get the majority of their funding from commercials and sponsors of drama’s or shows.

The ITV was formed in 1955 after the television act of 1954 that made the launch of commercial television channel possible

Subscription broadcasting is services such as sky, virgin media and cable, where you have to pay to get channels and packages. The five terrestrial channels can always be seen on your T.V but you have to pay for a T.V license. Sky is owned by Rupert Murdoch who is a Australian who owns broadsheet and tabloid newspapers the sun and the times. Richard Brandson owns virgin and bought out NTL and renamed it virgin media.

There is many new ways to see a program you have missed or want to see. You can use your subscription broadcaster’s T.V on demand or use the Internet. Websites such as you tube can be used to see films, dramas and other programs without paying for it.

The T.V industry in 2008


There are three means of getting programmes on T.V satellite, cable and analogue. Satellite is where you have a satellite dish attached to your house and receive a digital box 1. The satellite dish receives signals from geostationary satellites. Cable works by connecting underground cables to a receiver (cable satellite). Analogue is sent though the T.V aerial.

Many T.V viewers use interactive; to get the programme they want or catch up. Many channels have on demand on their websites as well as on interactive T.V so it is always accessible. New media is the term used to describe the new technologies of media such as the streaming of videos and audio, websites and more.

AOL is the worlds leading interactive provider. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo are popular, as it is easy to find anything on them, you can get answers, downloads, websites and information on practically anything. Google owns:



and many google spin offs such as

google scholar,


gmail and


This brings up the question of does Google own the world. I feel that Google does have a huge impact on the internet and T.V as lots of people use Google or watch videos on youtube. People watch their programmes on the internet rather than

T.V as it is easy to get and most people have access to the internet. Socially people do not sit with their family’s everyday to watch T.V as different generations have different preferences. We watch it with friends and discuss the programme rather than sit with our families and argue over what to watch. You can get sky on each T.V in your house so if you do not want to watch what is on in one room you can go elsewhere and watch what you want, or use the internet.

Interaction of programmes on T.V is quite popular and there are many shows, such as the X-factor, in which the viewer is involved by ringing up and voting for who they like. Similarly, there is big brother where we can vote for who we like or dislike on the reality show.

Task 2: Choose a TV broadcasting organisation, such as, Sky, BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and create a short case study on how your chosen organisation uses technology at the moment and how it is looking to use technology in the future. (P1, M1, D1)

Case study of channel four!

Channel 4, E4, more 4, film 4 and 4 music are all parts of channel four’s company. It was created under the broadcasting act of 1981 "the public service remit for Channel 4 is the provision of a broad range of high quality and diverse programming” . The primary target audience of channel four is young people but it aims to offer something for everyone some of the time. You don’t have to watch channel fours programs on T.V you can also view them via the internet through services such as 4od and channel four on demand. sometimes people download videos on to youtube but channel four can get them removed and the user can be banned. Channel four just started out as a one channel service but now offers a range of channels with different shows you can watch each containing a different genre of programe/show. Channel four provide a range of services so you can catch up with missed programs on 4OD, this has become very popular with todays society who is busy and may also the usage of the internet (where you can access 4OD) is very prominent today.

Task 3: How is the TV industry funded and how does this effect programming?


Public service broadcasting is funded by the public and uses the T.V licence. The BBC is a public service broadcaster and its aims are to entertain, inform and educate. Commercial T.V is funded by playing adverts or getting sponsors channels 3,4 a

nd 5 are commercial broadcasters but get some money from the BBC if they need it. Pay per view T.V is usually on demand programmes or movies where you have to pay to view them on your T.V. It came around ion the 26th November 1985. Product placement is when brands or logos are used in programmes to try to endorse a product buy paying a show to put it on. Private capital is when a person puts money in to a programme. TIVO is a DVR that records, T.V films and can take out adverts so when you watch it you do not have to be interrupted. This will affect commercial broadcasters, as people will not see the adverts so will not purchase as much, this will stop companies from spending money on adverts and stop commercial broadcasters getting funding. I think eventually product placement will become legal as it’s a way to make more money and sales, but I do think it will be a very controversial topic that will be talked about for a long time before it is.

Task 4: Produce a short documentary or presentation, which covers the following points……

Ownership and control.

People own different media such as Richard Branson owns virgin and virgin media and Rupert Murdoch owns sky and some popular newspapers.

The five terrestrial channels are broadcasted on analogue television; anyone can get them if they pay for a T.V licence. These channels are available on any package you get such as sky or virgin media so you can always receive them. Most service providers give out free view which is a service where you pay for your equipment(box) and then don’t have to pay again.

Programme type


Top 5

BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4, Channel 5


Sky Travel, ITV2, Ftn, UKTV, BBC 3


TMF, The Hits


BBC4, UK History


News 24, Sky News, ITN News, Sky Sports News


CBBC, CBeebies


BBC Asian Network, BBC World Service, Kerrang, Five Live BBC 6 Music, oneword, Smash! Hits, Five Live Sports Extra, Kiss, jazzfm, BBC7

Interactive service

BBCi, Teletext

Other music, documentary, news, radio and interactive services are also available free

Satellite is where you have a satellite dish attached to your house and receive a digital box . The satellite dish receives signals from geostationary satellites. Cable works by connecting underground cables to a receiver (cable satellite). Digital television is in 85 per cent of households across the UK

Between 2008 and 2012 the UK is switching to Digital and the old Analogue signal will be switched off.

People can now record programmes if they are busy or want to watch something else sky+ is a box provided by sky that you can record and save programmes to watch later and then delete to leave room for something else. You can only record two things at once but it is useful if you have to go to work. On demand is also popular channel four and virgin offering an on demand section where you can catch up with missed shows or re-watch episodes. Channels four on demand is internet based whereas virgin is accessible

if you press a button on your remote. To get four on demand you have to download 4OD which is free and you can watch programmes from up to 30 days ago.

Interaction of programmes on T.V is quite popular and there are many shows, such as the X-factor, in which the viewer’s are involved by ringing up and voting for who they like. Similarly, there is big brother where we can vote for who we like or dislike on the reality show. You can also use your red button and get games news. Channels like gemtv bidding shows and others allow you to buy products off T.V rather than the internet or going shopping.

You tube is owned by Google. You can upload and watch videos of almost anything. Some content is taken off if it is rude or copyright. The BBC will ask for any shows of theirs taken off such as the mighty boosh, and the person will be suspended from using their account for a certain amount of time. However, this does not stop shows getting through you can get almost anything as people are always uploading shows and editing things to get on. Most Television stations have an internet page where you can views shows or clips on them. You tube’s videos do not always have good sound or video quality, but you can get links to help this.

You can buy internet T.V But it is not free or high quality. I think the uses and gratifications theory is more relevant today. People are generally a lot more stressed than they used to be, with the credit crunch and losing jobs diversion on T.V could give them a break from reality or if you watch a documentary (surveillance) about stress it could help you overcome it. Families don’t tend to watch T.V together anymore, they will use the computer or different rooms to view what they want.

Task 5: Use the resources below to create an organisational chart/essay/powerpoint/speech package/short film that highlights the different jobs available in the TV and Film Industries. (P2 M2 D2)

Task 6: You are a special guest on a radio programme and you are on the show as an industry specialist. Choose a specific job role, preferably a role that you are interested in pursuing in the future and research the role. You will be asked the questions that are listed below and you are expected to give comprehensive answers.

Task 7: Explain some of the differnt types of jobs and contracts that are being advertised currently at the BBC.

Legal and ethical issues

there are many different types of contracts to work with in media and the job role can effect the contract you have.

Attachment- This means you are attached to a certain department or project for a certain amount of time. So if you work on a program for a certain length of time then you finish work on that.

Fixed term- This means you must have a contract with the business you work for and that must end after a certain event, completion of a task or on a particular date. 1

Casual- This means the placement isn’t permanent and it is often temporary work .

Flexi- This means you have flexible work hours so if you have children you can work at times appropriate for you.

Freelance- This means you are your own boss with the freedom to choose your own hours.

Secondment- This means that you have a contract with a certain job but go out to do a certsin role, which after you have finished, you have to return to your original place of work.

Voluntary- This means you work for an experience such as school children sometimes do work experience for a few weeks.

sometimes workers will have to sign a confidentiality contract that means you cannot give certain information away to the public such as a story line or how much the stars of the show are earning.

Exclusivity is where a person is tied to one place and can only work their such as Davina Mcall works for channel 4 or Jonathan Ross is exclusive to the BBC.

Health and safety:

equal opportunities;

Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006;

employer’s liability;

employee rights; This is the rights that you have as an employee.

belonging to a trade union; a trade union is something you can go to if you are unhappy with work, you can go tell you work trade union and they will help solve your issue.

Intellectual Property: this is when people cannot copy your work as it is your own property.

copyright; this is how you protect your work from infringement.

trademarks; such as logo, catchphrase or image the helps anchor a brand, person, program or station.

Task 9: Provide definitions of and examples relating to the following terms of Media Legislation…….equal opportunities; Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006;employer’s liability; employee rights; belonging to a trade union; Intellectual Property:copyright; trademarks; (P3 M3 D3

Most companies have a statement that gives everyone the chance to get the job. This means that people are not singled out due to race, sexuality,gender and age discriminantion (appliying to old and young) etc. Misconcepions of age is that old people have more time off for health and that younger genereations have less knoledge this however isnt true. There is different ways of age discrimination:
Equal opportunities- This is to ensure that people have a equal chance of getting a job. At the BBC this is dont to create diversity to try and engage more with the audience by having people from all walks of life and demographics. The company want to reflect the diversity in real life in the company so have a equal oppotunities statement, declaring people will get a chance no matter what religion, coulor or gender making it fair to those wanting work.
Employers liability- Most employers are required by law to lnsure themselfs againt any liability for injury or illness in their employees that come out of employment. If a employee is hurt or becomes ill from work, the employer is insured through this act for a certain amount of money.
Belonging to a trade union- In work there is a union that workers can be a member of and go to with any work related problems such as if they are being discriminated against by thier boss and this union will help you fight for your cause. An example of a trade union in the media is equity that represents professional performers and creative workers.
Interlectual property- This is someones personal creation and it can come in many forms such as and invention a trade mark, a book or a trade secret. In austrailia their is a IP law that protects these ideas and gives the creaters the power and control and profit from their ideas. One way of protecting your interlectual property is to get it trademarked or copyrighted so the idea is protected and shows it was their idea.
copyright- This is used on art, music, film, broadcasts and more. It means that the owner has the right to sell their ideas to others and that the owners ideas are protected though not the ideas themselves. Copyright is granted to the author/producer and gives them the right to distrubute, copy or adapt their work. It lasts for a certain amount of time after the idea or product enters the "pyblic domain".

Task 8: Fill in a PGS Media Risk Assessment or create a hyperlink to a form that you have filled out for another unit.
See unit 21 unit 11