Tuesday, 9 June 2009

unit 29: advertisement production for television.

Task 1: Write an analysis for 2 or 3 advertisements. Use the questions below to help you…..


The first advert that i will look at is a advert for the new apple i-pod nano.
This advert will have a
target audience of teenagers and a secondary target audience of people who are interested in music as the product is rich with new technology (the ability to film) and is a MP3 used to contain music. Demographically the advert would be aimed at people who could afford the I-pod, like music and want new technology. The advert is aimed at both sexes so the people included in the piece are from both genders, in order to men and women and this also makes the advert less sexist or bias. The advert would be for people working class upwards as i-pod's are quite expensive and people from the lower classes may not be able to afford them.
The product being advertised is the new Nano I-pod. The advert itself is highlighting the different colors of the i-pod and how it can shoot videos making it better than the last Nano. This advert i feel would appear on social networking sites and T.V after shows aimed at a younger audience as they would be the primary target audience and would be likely to use social networking sites. The advert contains both men and women this is because the product will be bought by both sexes so by including them both the advert will be more appealing to both sexes.

Lines of appeal as according to Gillian Dyer:
This particular advert i feel would fit under these lines of appeal:
comedy and humor as the people in the actual advert are dancing and singing and having fun, and over acting which could be seen as quite humorous.

The advert itself has a few images of different people wearing corresponding colors to the nano that is filming them, the picture is of full color to show the varieties of the product fully as that is one of the lines of appeal to the product. The advert is non verbal just with a music bed and some titles at the end to convey information making the advert simplistic and showing the product for as long as possible. The brand of apple is anchored with a logo at the end of the advert. The music bed is upbeat and this along with with the people dancing sets a upbeat happy tone to the piece, connoting that the new Nano is fun. The music itself is supposed to be diegetic as the people are singing along and dancing to it. The people included in the advert are teens upwards and young and are from the target audience, as this will appeal more to the viewer.

The advert uses the following factors of persuasion
Reward power - the advert is implying that if you buy this product you will have fun and will enjoy the I-pod and have a good time with it.

Young and Rubicam suggested that consumers could be categorized in to certain groups of why they purchase products.
The I-pod Nano could fit many of the groupings for example I-pod's are quite mainstream and conformist suggesting that a person that seek security would buy the product,however the brand of apple is all about individuality and personal preference shown in the wide variety of I-pods on offer. This would fit in to the seek discovery category. The I-pod is very fashionable so some people may want this brand to fit in and also have what is in style fitting in to the group of aspires.


The second advert i will be looking at is for Haribo a brand of confectionary.
This advert will have a target audience of Children/teens as children are the main consumers of sweets which is what the product is. The secondary target audience will be parents as they will be the ones buying the product for their children as they are the ones who will have the money. The advert highlights that the product is fun by creating a fantasy situation of someone eating all the "fried eggs". This will help sell the product as parents are more likely to buy something that will be fun for their children and keep them entertained rather than something that doesn't look as appealing. Demographically The product would be for younger people but the advert has to appeal tho those who have the income to buy the product as young children will not have money to get it. The advert will be aimed at people from both male and female sexes so like the I-pod advert uses both male and female people to help appeal to the target audience more. A family is used to help do this, a mother and father with two children create a family feel and show that Haribo can be enjoyed together.

lines of appeal
according to Gillian Dyer:
Happy families- the
tag line is the "happy world of haribo" and the video contains a happy family. Family fun is shown.
comedy and humor- the situation in the advert is like child play when the family is all acting like a police interview over some sweets being eaton with the little girl playing the "bad cop" figure.
childhood- the role play is just like a game that children play - copying a situation and acting it out.

The advert contains a family who have got a packet of haribo and are having "fun" and all have happy expression connoting that the product is "happy" as the tag line says. This advert has two main images one being the product itself and one being of the family acting like a police investigation. The product is clearly two two seconds in to the advert to help anchor to the audience what is being advert and also make the advert less polysemic. The initial shot of the packet of Haribo is from the fathers point of view looking down, bringing the audience in to the advert and also show off the sweets without braking the fictional story (parody) going on within the advert.
The advert doesn't contain music until the very end when the slogan is being said. The music is happy and upbeat to match the slogan "the happy world of haribo" and the situation during the advert also matches the slogan "kids and grown ups love it so". This slogan is simple so children will understand it.

TASK 2: Making Reference to a range of the narrative structures outlined above, write a detailed analysis of the different narrative structures employed and try to explain why they have been used to help sell the product.

I will be looking at the adverts of:
GHD: http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie.php?filename=TA9890
Fruit winders: http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie.php?filename=TA2146

The first of my three adverts is the GHD advert. This advert has linear or sequential narrative structure which is based on the fairy-tale Rapunzel making in anti real as this could not happen in real life and a parody. The advert has a closed ending with the woman escaping from the tower. The plot Is goal orientated with the hero trying to save the damsel in distress, this can be applied to Props theory of shows/radio/adverts containing a narrative with a hero, villain and damsel in distress. The hero goes on a journey to save the girl from the tower but the advert has a ironic twist, with the girl escaping without him and fleeing on his bike. This could have been done to create a modern feel to the old tale and incorporate the GHD and slogan that you can do anything with your hair.
Todorovs theory Of equilibrium disruption and resolution can also be applied to this advert:
The equilibrium is the girl in the tower and the hero setting off to find her, this is the disrupted by the girl escaping from the tower the advert doesn't have a resolution as it is a homage of rapunzel which has a happy ending but this parody has a ironic end. This parody helps sell the product by showing that with GHD's "you can achieve anything" and brake conventions and stereotypes and not be a damsel in distress. Women, who are the main target audience for this product as it is a beauty product, will like this as they will feel like they can also be elegant and stylish and do anything like the woman in the advert.

The second advert is for a food product Fruit winders. This advert is linear but is non realist due to the cartoon characters used. The cartoon animation has been used as the advert is aimed at children and cartoons are generally watched by this specific target audience so will appeal more. The advert includes cartoon characters who are pretending to be cowboys and playing with a person, suggesting that this food item is fun and whoever is getting the product will enjoy it. The story line has an ending to it with the hand (child) winning and the cartoon characters running away this creates an atmosphere of play that a child can relate to as they play like this. You can apply Propps theory to the narrative as the cartoon characters could be seen as villains as they are being cheeky and disruptive to the situation. The hand that we would presume belongs to a male child due to the voice over could be seen as the hero defeating the villains and coming out on top at the end. The villains could also be perceived as being helpers as there is more than one and they are all helping each other cause mayhem. The advert can also be applied to Todorov's theory as in the beginning there is nothing happening until the characters start to disrupt the scene and cause trouble. The resolution is the ending with the child beating the characters who then run off. This story line would draw the target audience of children in as they in real life will play games so will enjoy this advert. The whole advert is shot in a POV from the boy playing with the cartoo
ns, this will draw the audience in as it is like you are there watching and the hand could be yours if you buy the product.

TASK 3: Compare the advert below with two other adverts of your choice and explain which of the above styles they employ. Explain why the styles are used and say how effective you think the adverts are. Drop the youtube links into your blog for the ads you want to use.

The hair spray advert my jenifer aniston uses a surreal style with the opening making jeiffer apear held by invisable wires. This along with the music is non realist as that could not really happen and it is quite surreal. The brand of loreal is known for adverts like this using a celebrity to talk about a product and to then state the slogan "becouse youre worth it" so this advert could be seen as a pastiche or an ongoing recurance in all their adverts, to create brand idenitity and help the audience realate more.

The next advert i will be looking at is the cocca cola christmas advert. This fantasy advert has a magicall feel to it and is part or a seris that the company created based arround christmas time. The formal yet chritmas feel is used to create a happy feel to the peice and brand.The style is dramatic (music bed) to create drama and bulid tension and suspense with the audeince and keep us watching the advert.

The final advert i will be looking at is the compare the meerkat one witch has a houmourous stlye to contrast with the subject of money wich can be "boring" but this advert creates a storyline to make the subject more fun in these times where money is important.

TASK 4: For two of the adverts above, explain how the adverts use the common codes and conventions of advertising

The above snowman iron brew advert uses the common code of humour parady of this popular film. By creating a play on the film the advert creates personal identity and relationships as many people will have seen the film and will reconise it. The advert clearly shows the brand throughout to ensure it sticks in the audiences mind and also due to it being part of the narrative.

Task 6:

Who are the ASA?

The ASA stands for the Advertising Standards authority. Advertising standards agency- This is the U.Ks independent regulator of advertising across all media so not just radio, T.V, sales, internet and more would be regulated by ASA. The aims of the advertising standards authority is to make sure that adverts are honest, truthful, legal and follow the advertising rules. You can complain about adverts that you feel brake the rules and are offensive through the website.

The ASA covers different types of advertising such as:

Magazine and newspaper articles, Radio and TV commercials, Cinema commercials, Leaflets and brochures, Advertisements on the internet and more. When the ASA get complaints the assess each one and change or take down adverts down that are offensive. Some CAP codes that could be broken by advertising are: Use of animals in filming this comes under the CAP code for harm and defense and the code states that "Where the behaviour of animals has been controlled for the purpose of making an advertisement, licensees must not show it without satisfactory evidence that the animals were not killed or caused pain or distress"

Task 7: Audience classification.

Task 8: Create a brief for your client covering the main aims of the advertisement.

Client Brief


Television advertisement for a department at PGS school- The radio station PGFM

Prepared by: Heather Harkness, Georgina Isle and Kameljit Singh Chohan

PGS Marketing and Communications

Mount Pleasant Road, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND


Background / Overview

Pudsey Grangefield School has a radio station that goes on aire for two weeks each year. Both the students and teachers run PGFM, and content is made to fund the process. This advertisement will advertise the project to potential listeners and also people who could get involved.

What is the objective and purpose of the ad?

Well rightttt, the purpose of the advert is to inform people of the wondrous events that are to behold in the fabulous room that is the radio studio. The objective is to interest citizens in the world of radio, and to get them to listen, or even take part in the shows.

Target Audience. Who are we talking to?

Our target audience would be a wide range of people from 11 onwards. It will be aimed for students at this school, parents with kids attending at Grangefield and the local community. Our advert will have to be diverse to cover these different people and ensure that they will understand the advert.

What’s the single most important thing to say?

The most important thing to say in the advert is how this is a community project and a local station and anyone can get involved.

What are the supporting rational and emotional ‘reasons to buy?’

The reasons that the audience should take interest in this advert are that taking part in the show would be both beneficial to the participant, and also the community- the person taking part would be gaining a new experience in radio, and the community would benefit from the contribution to the community. Furthermore, they would benefit from listening to the show, as it would be contributing to the community by supporting the more local stations.

Details that will assist the creative team…

Consumer insights: Opinions of different people from the community sharing their opinions about PGFM. Kids sharing their stories about their time presenting PGFM.

Description of brand personality: Your very own radio station.

Positioning Taglines: Feel connected with the community (reward)

Creative thought starters:

Mandatory Details:


7 Richardshaw Lane,



LS28 6BN.

Telephone: 0113 255 9191

Budget: £1200

This will cover…….

Camera hire =

Panasonic Professional Camera (mini dv) = £70 per day (2 days) = £140

Microphones = Boom Mike + Boom Arm = £20 per day (2 days) =£40

MP3 Sound Recorders =

Edirol R-09h £30 per day (2 days) = £60

Recording Studio = £30 per hour (2 hours) = £60

Editing Suite = (imac) £10 per hour ( 10 hours) = £100

Technical Team = Sound Assistant = £10 per hour (5 hours) £50

Camera person £20 per hour = (5 hours) = £100

Actors= £50 per hour (Std equity card) (2 for 5 hours) £500

Total £ 1050

Deadline: 14th May

Task 9: Create a questionnaire consisting of 6-10 questions. Remember the results that you are looking for should help you when you come to plan your TV advert.

Task 10: You must interview 3 or more friends and then, document your findings…..

Task 11: Set up a focus group and document your results. Use you class as the focus group, explain the demographic of the group and pick out some of the more relevant comments and explain how they will help inform your planning. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of running a focus group and how this can effect your results.

My focus group contained the following demographic:

ages between 16-18 as this is the primary target audience for our advert, so by focusing on this age we can gain an insight on what they like, to help us create our advert. All those who took part were students that attend the school, that we are advertising for making the focus group fit our needs perfectly. we all watched the compare the meerkat, avion baby and john lewis adverts and then commented on what we liked and disliked about them.

The advantages of running a focus group is that you can get a varied information from your target audeince and a wide range in people with different personalities and you can ask questions as to why they feel they way they do.

The problems with doing a focus group is that you could get the wrong demographic, or that people could disagree or argue with each others views. Also some people may copy what other people are saying to fit in (peer pressure) and follow the crowd rarther than stating their personal opinion, espesially in front of peers.

The first advert was for john lewis-

Arround 90% liked the advert and felt it was an effective. One of the reasons someone gave for liking the advert was that they liked the journey involved within the narrative. Also people liked the everyday situation that the audience could relate to with the transistions between the aging.

For those who didn't the advert they felt that it didnt show what was being sold but the advert, we guessed was aimed at those who have alreday shoped at john lewis so already know, brand consolidation.

The second advert was compare the meerkat-

Arround 75% liked the advert but this has changed due to the advert being overplayed, people have began to like it less. People liked the character and the storyline involved in the advert. People like how the advert has an ongoing story that is reacurring and you can see the history of the charcter. The slogan has also stuck with the audience "compare the market. com not compare the meerkat.com seemples" this tag line is now like a catchphrase.

Things that people didnt like about the advert were the create some people found it annoying.

The last advert was for avion-

10-15% liked the advert, they found it funny and cute and how the advert realated to the tag line of "live young". The advert used high caliber of technology.

The people who didnt like the advert said the advert didnt get the brand across well enough and that the CGI itself looks fake and not good quality. The mixing of the sophistication and fun babies didn't work. the advert also was quite steriotypical with the black baby brakedancing and rapping and having an attitude.

Task 13: What type of programme would your advert be placed in between?

Our advert i feel would be placed after a regional news program as the advert is for our school radio so needs to appeal to the local and surrounding areas. If it was during of after calender news that is for west yorkshire people in Pudsey and local areas would see it and would lean about or school and its radio. This would be good advertising for the radio as more people would tune in and listen to it

Task 14 : Produce a record of your initial ideas that covers….

  • Factors of persuasion and lines of appeal
  • Narrative
  • Music
  • Characters
  • Style
My initial ideas with my group, were to do a long shot in the the radio room, and to include vox pops of people favorite aspects of the radio station. This idea was taken on in the advert that we created. The narrative i suggested should be simplistic as adverts need to be as simple as possible to stick in peoples minds easily. We wanted to create a simple style with familiar characters so the audience could relate more and create a personal relationship. We wanted to used chart music as from our research this was popular in adverts as the viewer could reconise it rather than a track make on garageband.

You should complete at least two of the following tasks for your planning….

  • A mind-map
  • A video or audio recording of the two of you discussing your ideas
  • A table of ideas
  • Notes from a creative meeting

These are some notes from a creative meeting-

For our advert we are going to use a flipcam to film the shots with ease. We are going to open with a long shot that we may speed up depending on the quality with titles over. We want to have some vox pops of people saying what they like about the radio station, so we can show the audience that doing the radio is a fun experience and has many benefits to them. We will record the people working in the studio and being happy to anchor how fun the radio is. We want to close with the long shot in reverse direction to connote that the audience is leaving the presenters busy at work

In chosing a track we discussed appropraitesuch as video killed the radio star or family force 5 with radio, but in the end we agreed that we will find a mix of songs to show diversity and attract more people.

We will use some transistions if needed, but we don't want to make the advert look unprofessional and childlike so will only use a few ones, that dont take the formality away from the video.

Task 15: Complete a treatment for your TV advert that covers the following in detail….

Me and my team created a advert on our schools radio station and radio department that has been running a radio station for two weeks each year for a while. We thought it would be a good thing to advertise as it is an important fixture in our school and media department. We are going to use students of different ages to use factors or persuasion. The filming will mainly be done from a close up shot to show the students emotions and facial expressions, that i feel will be important to convey how the radio has impacted them. In the editing process we may chose to put in transistions between the vox pops to ensure that the advert runs smoothly and without any jumps. We are using a variety in personel in our advert to create perosonal identity with the peice as the viewer (being a student) will hopefully be able to relate to the students more, and may in fact know them or regognise them from arround school. This will encorage the viewer to come try out the radio as others have done it and enjoyed it, so they might as well. Our advert will contain two lines of appeal:

successfull careers- we will get an older student to discuss how the radio has helped him with his future prospects and how it will benefit any other student's future and what his personal experiences have been like on the radio.

Happy families- the students will talk about what they like about the radio eg doing it with friends.

These lines of appeal will hopefully make the viewer want to come do the radio, as they can see the aspect of fun and the overall acheivements of going on the radio for them personally.

The modern style that will be used will fit the target audeince, as they are from a modern society and this is what they will want on an advert. This along with the long tracking shot used at the begging and end of the piece will be used to grab the attention and maintain interest in the piece.

Task 16: Write a report with screen-shots, detailing the equipment and software you will be using and how you intend to use it.

The above images show what equiptment and software i will be using to create my advertisement.
The first image is a screen shot of i-move, this program will be used to edit the advertsement, put in a music bed and any transistions that we require to make the peice look as professional as possible. This software enables us to change the sound levels to make the students/speaker loader so they can be heard by the viewer.

The second images shows a filpcam that we will used to film the production. This camera in particualr is very handy and easy to use, making the whole filming proces fast and easy. With a usb port connecting to the mac it will make the import of the clips easy and fast so we can go straight in to editing. The high quality screen and fliming will enable our work to be of a very high standard and look as proffesional as possible.

The people involved in our prodcution will be:
a teacher and some students to be filmed about the radio ststaion
and me and my three other team mates who will each take a share in the filming and editing process.

Other props we may need to create our advert will be already in the radio studio such as microphones, earphones etc to make the piece as realistic as possible.

The main locations of the advert will be in the media room and radio studio of our school as this is what we are advertising.

Task 17: Create a storyboard for your production

Task 18: You must create a production schedule, this will help you set some targets and will also keep everybody who is in the production, informed of what is happening when.

Task 20: Complete version of your TV Advert


Task 21: Evaluation

The main purpose of the advertisement was to show how doing the radio will benifit you as well as bing fun, i think we achieved this by using students to show the fun side with a mature student and teacher to convey how doing the radio could be a usefull tool for the future.

I got some people to look at my advert and this is what they said:


i thought the advert was good, the music fitted well and the camera shots kept the advert interesting. I liked how they got other students to talk in it to show that anyone can take part and do the radio and that its not just for older students and teachers. There is one bit where the teacher moves sides but it isnt very noticeable.


The overall advert was very fun, with the upbeat music and cheerfull people in it. After watching it i now realise the benefits of doing the radio for my future and also how fun it looks. some of the sound levels needed changing to make the music bed a little quieter but thats the only thing that needed changing i felt.

From the audience reaction i can see that they got our preffered reading and that the advert was a success. The advert wasnt polysemic so the audience didnt get confused of not find meaning within it.

The advert didn't use any negative or bias images due to the nature of it being for a school and a formal advert production. We used both girl and male's in our advert to make it appeal to both genders and make sure we got opinions from both sexes and not just one. Our advert didnt include any ethnic minorities, if i was to do it again i would include this to make it have a more broad target audience as they will then feel involved. I think we didnt use any ethinic minorities when filming as we purly did not consider doing so, this would be something to consider in the planning for any next production i do. The music bed that we used created a upbeat feel to the advert and by using chart music fits the preferences of the target audience who i know from prior reasearch, prefer in adverts, as they can relate more if they know the song. The locations were highly appropriate to the advert as we filmed in the rdaio stuido with a long shot through the media room. This not only showed off the radio room itself but also made sure we were filimg in a relevant place. We used language appropriate for the target audince, the students spoke informaly but didnt swaer or speak too fast, and the older student and teacher spoke a little more formally due to their age. The video i feel did look realistic for the genre, the quality was top and it was well edited.

The narrative for this particualar genre uses, facts, opnions ect wich we used (opinion) to make ours fit and be mroe professional. Professionals will have advantages over us, they have more experience, money and equiptment than us but we managed to create what i feel is a very proffesional like product. Our narrative included an enigma at the beggining with the long tracking shot in to the studio, where the audince may be wondering "whats goung on where are we going" this is quickly resolved with the students and teacher explaining about the radio, making the purpose of the advert clear. We did not use hero or villians as the narrative wasnt a story just people talking about the radio so we didnt need this to be apparant in it.

From doing this advert i have learnt how to use a flipcam, that i found easy and fast to use and how to edit sound on imovie. My strenghts in this were in filming and helping to come up with ideas and songs for the advert my weakness was in sound editing but i soon became clear with that and now i feel more positive in doing that. I feel i was a good team member i suggested ideas and listend to others and helped film and edit without complaints. There were a few dissagreements but these were resolved as we wanted to work professionaly and efficiantly to get the advert done and looking good.

next time i would make sure there are no continuenity errors like there is when the teacher moves seats by planning more and thinking logically when in the filming process.

To promote the video:

we would put posters up round school,

tell people to spread word by mouth

and see if it could go on the school website so everyone could get it.

The video would be distrubted on the school and radio website.